The Key to Persuasive Communication [Scale Your Impact #117]

Hi Reader,

I've been obsessed with the Art of Accomplishment podcast lately, recommending it to anyone I meet (and now you).

Joe Hudson and co-host Brett Kistler dive deep into everything personal growth (emotional fluidity, limiting beliefs, relationships, connection, decision-making, etc.)

Here are three of my favorite episodes which are a great start:

As promised last week, I'm want to share one of my takeaways from the GrowBIG business development training I attended. Let's dive in...

Whole Brain® Thinking: The Key to Persuasive Communication

Have you ever tried to sell someone on an idea but your pitch fell on deaf ears?

You just couldn’t convince them and didn’t quite understand why they weren’t as excited as you are.

We’ve all had experiences like this…with customers, spouses, friends, and coworkers.

The reason why our ideas/offers/products don’t always land with others is that we all have different thinking preferences – different ways of filtering everything we hear, say, and think.

You likely communicated in the way you preferred which didn’t necessarily match your counterpart’s way of thinking.

By understanding your own thinking style, picking up clues from others and adapting your communication to their preferences, you’ll make others feel heard and understood. And in turn more likely to trust you, collaborate with you, work with you, and buy from you.

The Whole Brain® Thinking Model

I heard about thinking preferences for the first time at the GrowBIG business development training (highly recommended) where we spent a good chunk of time on the Whole Brain® Thinking Model, developed by Ned Hermann, Director of Management at GE in the 70s.

It’s a framework that categorizes thinking preferences into four distinct quadrants, each representing different styles of thinking and processing information:

A – Analytical Thinking

People who prefer this style often enjoy working with numbers, statistical analyses, and clear structures. They value objective data over subjective opinions and tend to be detail-oriented in their approach.

B – Practical Thinking

Individuals with this thinking preference often excel in planning, organization, implementation, and step-by-step execution. They value efficiency, orderliness, and practical applications.

C – Relational Thinking

People who have a preference for this thinking style tend to be in tune with their emotions and the feelings of others, valuing personal connection and communication. They may excel in roles that require empathy and understanding.

D – Experimental Thinking

Those who lean towards this style of thinking are often big-picture thinkers, innovators, and visionaries. They are comfortable with complexity and ambiguity and often excel in areas that require seeing beyond the present to future possibilities.

Understanding your own thinking preferences

Before attending the GrowBIG training, all attendees were asked to complete the HBDI® assessment and determine their thinking preferences.

Here are my results:

My preferred thinking styles are analytical and practical, which didn’t surprise me. My superpower is getting stuff done. I’m usually the one developing the project plan and moving everyone along in the process to a final outcome.

On the flip side, I have a harder time developing big visions and goals (experimental thinking), because I immediately try to dissect if and how it will be possible to achieve. But if YOU give me a goal, I’ll make it happen!

Relational thinking is something I’m heavily working on right now, through journaling and the courses of the Art of Accomplishment.

The dotted line shows my thinking preferences under pressure, in which case I lean even more towards the practical and process oriented. If I’m stressed, I’ll go back to the basics of making a simple list of the next three things I need to do and then get to work.

Applying Whole Brain® thinking to your business

At the GrowBIG training we approached every subsequent business development lesson from a Whole Brain® perspective.

Whether you’re preparing a meeting, drafting a sales page, writing an email, creating training, or practicing a pitch, you’re more likely to connect with the other side if you’re catering to all four thinking preferences. Because their thinking style will affect how they interpret the information you share and even their buying decisions.

To prep your communication effectively, complete what’s called a Whole Brain® walk-around. Brainstorm key message for each quadrant, careful not to leave any blind spots.

Analytical: WHAT?

  • Cares about the return-on-investment
  • Likes numbers and wants to see data and concrete results
  • Prefers communication to be brief, clear, and concise
  • Show the logic and research behind your approach

Practical: How?

  • Cares about the timeline, concrete steps, and deliverables
  • Wants to be sure it’s safe and trustworthy
  • Provide a full outline of how it will work
  • Share testimonials and past success stories

Experimental: Why?

  • Cares about the vision and impact
  • Wants to be sure that this will take them in the right direction
  • Prefers the big picture instead of details
  • Share your mission, why you do what you do, and how it’s aligned with them

Relational: Who?

  • Cares about trust and connection with real humans
  • Focuses on the “vibe” and how it feels for them
  • Share about yourself and what you have in common
  • Show that you’re great to work with

To give you an example, here’s a Whole Brain® walk-around (work in progress) for our new Pillars of Productivity (POP) training for teams.


This isn't just about improving sales or business communications. Whole Brain® thinking can enhance every interaction you have. By being mindful of these thinking styles, you can become a more adept communicator, capable of reaching people where they are most receptive.

As you practice this model, remember that the goal is to connect authentically and meaningfully, ensuring that your ideas not only reach your audience but resonate with them deeply.

Will you give it a try? I’d love to know about your experience.

Quote of the Week

"One can remain alive long past the usual date of disintegration if one is unafraid of change, insatiable in intellectual curiosity, interested in big things, and happy in small ways."
Edith Wharton

Thanks for reading!

How I can help you

  • Check out Course Creator Lab: You'll find a ton of free resources to launch, run, and scale your online course.
  • Book a 1:1 session with me: If you have a specific challenge or just want to pick my brain, just reply to this email for scheduling and pricing (very limited spots).

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Course Creator Lab

I help course creators build their ideal, sustainable education business that consistently attracts the right people and serves them with transformational learning experience.

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